A Poem by Jesse Seldess

from Left Having



Which would not be grown together



That one foot now is one foot then

And would not be grouped further


Regardless of the research that had been done



But what happened was further

And would not be grouped together


That what happened would not be further

And would not be grouped together


And further


Churning around with everything else

That could not be grouped together


That had a name called in the cold air

Regardless of the distance left rising further


Regardless the insistence left rising further



And a name was called in the cold air

Regardless the distance of the sun

Left rising again further and unraveling further


And names were called in the cold air

Regardless of the distance from the sun

Left rising further and unraveling further

And one name now was one name then


And they unraveled further and further

From their names left rising in the cold air


And names were left rising and unraveling

Or names left rising and unraveling in the cold air

Or names called either in the winter air

Which left them rising and unraveling

And they unraveled further and further


Or the phone ringing or by writing it down





Which words are strung together




When words are strung together


Stringing the words together to keep warm



Or by writing strings the words together



Or my writing strings the words together




If I left the ending for you





And not stopping but the echo answering




In the one room

And not stopping when it really stopped



Rising which left steam dissipating



Which left an echo

And had been called either in the cold winter air

Appearing with each syllable



To another region to be left behind




That a line had been written

Or that a foot left an impact on the ground


From everything else

The ending that churned around with everything else

And it was further and further behind

That a line had been written to describe the ending



Growing colder when further and further

And it was further and further behind



That describe the ending


The ending that churned around with everything else

At a safe distance from everything else



And while speaking out a focused world





Jesse Seldess recently relocated to Brooklyn from Karlsruhe, Germany. He is the author of two books, Left Having (Kenning Editions, 2011) and Who Opens (Kenning Editions, 2006), as well as chapbooks on Hand Held Editions, Instance Press, Answer Tag Press, and the Chicago Poetry Project Press. His work has recently appeared in the journals Jacket, Little Red Leaves, and out of nothing. Since 2001, he has edited and published Antennae (http://www.antennae-journal.com), a journal of experimental writing and language-based performance and music scores.

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