Memory Cards: Clark Coolidge Series, by Susan M. Schultz

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I spell it.  I spell it trees in the window board.  This week’s list was compound words: blackboard, jigsaw, sometimes, windshield.  We debated if there could be a windshield at the back.  There’s a back windshield wiper, she explained.  I was more worried about the “ie” issue, there being no “c” to reverse the field.  Haole has an “a” and an “o” in it, in that order.  AssHaole is one pun lidat.  Someone laughs at the Idealist, tripping in a hole.  Test the meat on her; if there be maggots, they’ll supply her protein.  Lear’s on the sidelines; there’s a clouded window between him and Cordelia’s corner kick.  Lear’s a haole, except in Kurosawa.  Never much for company, he brings nothing to the potluck.  Not even the little boy in blue slippers distracts him.



–22 April 2011