Two Poems by Marc Nasdor

from Insurgentes




Ordered mind answers itself: ick! spittle!
from booths in a café littered with expats
about to be blown to detritus. Where were

you, far from that? There’s elephant offal
for sale over there; here only thoughts
of “confiscatory” taxes grinding the minds

of bloated emoticons, rubber latrines sunk
deep into Disco Nap. Symmetry wobbles
& persons aforementioned freak them-

selves out, settle & pound their toes
scabby. Clamshell diplomacy? Sounds
bivalve to me. Order succinctly or play

Human Shield while you cower behind
your own simulacrum. Here comes a contract,
here a sub-contract; here comes a vendor

who’s trolling for contracts: RFPs, RFQs…
PDFs represent document attachments
connected to what, to Flubber? Flubber sends

one further on down to the Moonpie Flubber
Testosterone Well. Well? Well what? What
is what minds think happens when phishing

for mindfulness (otherwise?). Everyone’s pants
are packed with blobs of it; every shithead’s
diaper leaks an ounce of pure faith in it,

muff-diving nightly in GPS trip-mapping
neocon real estate monetized megachurch
fish-zapping bug-incest pornflakes, for what?



Happy Hour Wastewater Backup


Testing 1-2, testing, your recent blogging
infers: even your LDL cholesterol level
may be word-substituted into this Poem. Now

as for branding your insurgency (“branding”
inimically, ironically appropriate)—& don’t
assume North Brooklyn has noticed—

maintain your position & what will be
next? Should you suffer a cascading
sticky-plaque eruption, in verse or “inverse,”

perhaps the conceit will opt to anesthetize
an actual cadaver on a typewritten gurney.
Belief, doubt, or noncommittal ballast

(pick any three), a radical transactional—
stop right there! See any human remains
in the mirror? Stinky residue oozes

thru comfort zone; may well be digestives
from biophysic bilge pumps, evacuating
frantically from one’s Internal Pharisee

& polluting the reef, or adding to the bio-
diversity of microbes palling around
in the bloodstream. Mocking introduction

to near-viral marketing? Even mixing shit up
with old survey data; or of limited interest,
succinctly to morph into chuckling cheese,

you as the underwritten Cheese Pie Fetishist,
with no amount of effluent to stabilize morass
inside one’s tiny opening. Better pass on that.



Marc Nasdor is the author of Sonnetailia (Roof Books, 2007) and the forthcoming Insurgentes. He was involved for a decade with the late poet Allen Ginsberg and The Committee for International Poetry. As DJ Poodlecannon, he has performed in New York City, Budapest, Nantes (France), Mexico City and Merida (Yucatan).

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